President's Greetings

Philosophy of NIPPON CARBON ”A company with dreams and technologies to realize a world of love and science”

Since its establishment in 1915, Nippon Carbon Group has been a pioneer in the carbon industry field, providing high value-added products that meet the needs of the times, under the management philosophy of "A company with dreams and technologies to realize a world of love and science”. Nowadays, natural disasters, international conflicts, and other events that affect the business activities of companies are constantly occurring, and companies are required to have the "resilience" to survive throughout these times of change. We are committed to building a corporate structure that will continue to grow with our "engineering capabilities" cultivated through more than a century of experience in the carbon industry and our "creativity" to create new value without being satisfied with the status quo.

Fiscal 2024 is the final year of our Mid-term Management Policy, “BREAKTHROUGH 2024”. Under this Mid-term Management Policy, I have promoted various reforms in line with the goals of "Business Structural Reform" and "Improvement of Corporate Structure" in this mid-term management policy. With regard to "Business Structural Reform," in particular, we have been working to expand our carbon fiber products business in order to completely break away from our business structure that has been dependent on artificial graphite electrodes. The firm capital investment by various companies, especially in the semiconductor industry, also provided us with an opportunity, and carbon fiber products have grown to become a core business of our company. Going forward, we expect that market growth in the power semiconductor field will make a significant contribution to the further expansion of our business. On the other hand, there are calls for a slowdown in growth in the global economy. Regardless of the external environment, we will continue to strive to achieve our Mid-term Management Policies in the final year of the fiscal year without slackening our reform efforts in order to build a corporate structure that will allow us to continue to grow constantly.

We aim to bring together our collective strengths to meet the expectations of all of our stakeholders. I would like to ask for your support and cooperation in our efforts.

5th January, 2024

Takafumi Miyashita

InquiryIf you have any inquiries or questions, please contact us through the inquiry form.