Financial Highlights

Performance Reviews

  Currency Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Sales (Million Yen) 26,802 31,578 35,799 37,867
Operating Profit (Million Yen) 3,015 3,706 4,791 6,573
Ordinary Profit (Million Yen) 3,587 4,434 5,042 7,115
Profit attributable to owners of parent (Million Yen) 1,810 2,729 3,194 4,050
Total Assets (Million Yen) 70,930 72,692 74,181 78,466
Net Assets (Million Yen) 50,998 52,257 53,210 57,681
Earnings per share (Yen) 163.64 247.00 289.24 366.75

Net Sales

Operating Profit

Ordinary Profit

Profit attributable to owners of parent

Total assets & Net Assets

Earnings per share

Related Information

  • Corporate  Profile
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